Author: Dr Kelly Shockley

You CAN Change Your Brain

How many of you still believe that the Brain is an organ that we have no influence over? This is what the thought process used to be. Science used to believe that the brain cells, neurons, you were born with were all that you ever had. They believed there was nothing you could do to change/influence the health of your brain and itโ€™s overall function. Thankfully, more recent research has shown otherwise.

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Get Your Vitamin D3

Sun exposure is a great way to help your body produce vitamin D. Are you spending at least 20 minutes out in the sun on a daily basis? Did you know that about 41.6% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D?

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To Buy or Not to Buy Organic

Let’s face it, we know that organic is better for us but economically it doesn’t always work into the budget. I know that you want to be sure you’re providing the best for your family but things need to be kept within reason as well.

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