Do you have high levels of inflammatory markers in your blood? If so, then this post is for you. I will be sharing 6 different reasons why these markers may be elevated and how to get them back into a healthy range.

Inflammation can come from many sources such as obesity, lack of exercise, and smoking cigarettes. All three factors are things that we could control if we wanted to! Check out the list below for more information on what causes inflammation in the body and how it affects our health.

6 Reasons Why Your Inflammatory Markers Are High

The first reason your inflammatory markers are high all comes down to food. Inflammatory markers are high because there is an excess of pro-inflammatory foods in your diet. Pro-inflammatory foods include things like sugar and unhealthy fats.

The second reason that inflammation may be elevated is the lack of exercise you’ve been getting as well as obesity. Inflammation in the body can come from not being active enough, or being too active.

The third reason why your inflammatory markers could be high is underlying toxins. Toxins can be in the environment, food or even your home.

The fourth reason for elevated inflammation is an infection such as a bacterial or viral illness that’s going on now. This could also include other types of diseases and infections that are less common but still present themselves in the body.

The fifth reason is that your inflammatory markers are high because of a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus.

The sixth and final reason why your inflammation might be high is due to an autoimmune attack like cancer treatment.

A little known fact, the reference ranges that are used now are based off of the average population, which has grown more and more sick over the years.

Rule of thumb: you want your inflammatory markers as close to zero as possible.

In closing, knowing what can cause high inflammatory markers is the first step in understanding and managing them.

Have you had your inflammatory markers checked? Let me know down below.

#Inflammation #TotalBodyMastery