STOP! You suddenly have 3 extra hours with absolutely nothing on your schedule.

WHAAAAAAAAT?! This never happens (at least for me anyway!).

What are you going to do to fill your time?

Are you going to take a nap, go shopping, exercise, get your nails done, etc.?

If I were to magically end up with a few extra hours I would definitely spend it hiking in the backcountry!

This would be such a treat for me because being out in nature on the lesser traveled trails is what fills my bucket back up.

It rejuvenates me more than any nap ever could.

It soothes my soul and helps me get my mind back in order.

There simply is no other activity I could do that would provide me with the same results.

And, I just don’t get to do it as frequently as I have in the past.

Honestly, I need that time on the trails as much as I need oxygen.

I have come to realize that as the years go on, my life isn’t getting less busy and I have to be more intentional with scheduling these outdoor adventures in my calendar, otherwise, it’s months between them and that simply is not enough.

So tell me, what would you do with your extra 3 hours?!

#ExtraTime #TotalBodyMastery