Sun exposure is a great way to help your body produce vitamin D. Are you spending at least 20 minutes out in the sun on a daily basis? Did you know that about 41.6% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D? 

This might be partly due to the pure avoidance of sunlight because of the fear about skin cancer that’s been instilled into us. It might also be a result of the constant use of sunblock. It’s right in the name. Sunblock. If you’re always applying generous portions of these lotions, you’re blocking your body’s ability to use the sunlight to make vitamin D and you’re also exposing your body to numerous chemicals that could potentially cause cancer, developmental issues, and hormone imbalances. If you are going to be out in the sun for hours at a time, reach for zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to avoid those dangerous chemicals. 

Vitamin D is critical for more than just bone health. What you may not know is sufficient levels have been linked with cancer prevention, a stronger immune system, better body composition, optimal mental health, improved heart health and more. Check out my podcast on Vitamin D and the numerous other health benefits you might be unfamiliar with.

Know your numbers before you start supplementing with vitamin D. I can tell you because of testing this vitamin on a regular basis on my patients, way more than half of my patients are deficient in this vitamin. It is a fat-soluble vitamin though so you should really know where your blood level of vitamin D is before you start supplementing since it has the potential to accumulate and could reach potentially harmful levels if you supplemented with too much vitamin D. 

If you would like to see an example of what a good vitamin D3 supplement looks like, check out the one I prescribe to my patients by clicking here.



Get The Same Vitamin D That I Give My Patients