Can you believe that the school year is just about here?!

If you’ve got a kiddo, then you may have already been brainstorming lunch ideas for them.

And if you’re anything like me, you want to make sure your kiddo is getting all the great nutrients he/she needs.

However, what healthy eating looks like and what your kid thinks about it, don’t always end on a positive note.

I’ve found one trick is to make lunches your kiddo can simply eat with his/her fingers.

I mean really, who doesn’t love finger foods?


The more colorful the plate, the more visually appealing as well.

The advertising industry has figured that one out. Just look at how many “kid foods” have food dyes in them! It’s the most out of all foods.

So make lunches that are predominantly finger foods and the more natural color you can add, the better.

Here’s a super simple, fast to make and kid approved lunch to get you going!

Ham & Cheese Rolls with Mini Bell Peppers

Ingredients (Makes 1 serving):

  • 3 ozs Sliced Ham
  • 1 1/2 ozs Cheddar Cheese (cut into sticks)
  • 1 1/2 ozs Mini Peppers
  • 1/3 cup Blueberries


  1. Wrap the ham around the cheese sticks. Serve alongside the mini peppers and blueberries in a container. Enjoy!

Of course, you can swap out whatever lunch meat your kiddo would prefer. I like to buy lunchmeats that don’t have all the junk in them. One of the companies I trust is Applegate.

Here’s to Healthy & Happy Kids!

#KidLunchIdeas #TotalBodyMastery