“Stop wasting time with trivial matters that don’t add value to your life or push you one step closer to your goals.” ~Edith Henderson

When I first read that quote it nearly knocked me off my chair because I related to it so much.

We live in a world full of distractions that can snag your focus and rob you of precious time you’ll never have back.

With everything going on right now, it would be super easy to get caught up in it all and be completely consumed.

Which can ultimately lead us to feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

I don’t know about you, but I know for me it’s super hard to be the best version of myself and accomplish what I’m working to achieve if I’m feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Something I’ve worked to do in my life to shut down some of the “trivial” things is to focus on what I have direct control or power over.

If there is something that I have zero control over, then I reclaim my thoughts and focus and let that “thing” go.

One of my favorite quotes is to “Let go and let God.”

My point, the world is chaotic and if you allow it to, the chaos of the world will rule over your day.

When the chaos rules, it stops your progress in moving towards your goals.

Here are a few ways I’ve helped keep chaos from ruling over my days…

Get Unplugged – I don’t watch the news ever and I am rarely on social media.
Go for a Hike – There is honestly something so soothing to your mind, body and soul when you’re out in nature.
Make a List – Make 2 columns. 1 is for what’s in your control and the other column is what’s not in your control. Sometimes, the visual helps with the letting go.

Have you ever heard this quote before?

Does it change the way you think about how you are spending your time?

#LetGo #TotalBodyMastery