When was the last time you looked at your “health portfolio”?

I’ve never heard someone refer to their health from that viewpoint, but I like it.

We’re so programmed to focus on our finances and to prepare for the future, but do you really ever hear about anyone really reviewing your health in the same way?

What types of investments are you making regularly?

  • Sleep – 7-8 hrs/night?
  • Food – 50-70% good fats, 20-30% clean proteins and less than 20% carbs from organic, non-gmo, clean sources?
  • Hydration – Half your body weight in ounces per day, no more than 3 quarts?
  • Exercise – 30 minutes per day of some type of exercise/movement?
  • Stress – Daily stress-reducing techniques?
  • Attitude – Being grateful for your daily blessings?
  • Spiritual – Spending time nurturing your faith daily?

My nana (mom’s mom) used to say, “if it doesn’t add, then it takes away.”

This all started with decorating her home, but it was quickly adopted for viewing all circumstances in life because it’s either one or the other.

So, are you regularly investing in your health?

If you’re not, then you’re spending time regularly neglecting your health.

Now, I know that may sound harsh, but think about it…

You’re either getting quality sleep or you’re not.

You’re either eating foods that will nourish and fuel your body or you’re not.

You’re either properly hydrating on a regular basis, or not.

You’re either exercising in some way daily, or you’re not.

You’re either working to reduce stress on a daily basis or you’re not.

You’re either focusing on all of the good in your life and working towards your goals, or not.

And finally…

You’re either growing in your spirituality and your relationship with God, or you’re not.

I know life’s busy and plates are full, but if you don’t do something daily to invest back into you and your health, some day you’re going to wish you had made different choices along the way.

Optimal health is not something you can buy; however, it might just be the most valuable savings account you ever have.

#InvestInYou #TotalBodyMastery