If you’re banking your health status on the current clinical ranges being used, you might be heading down a dwindling spiral of health that will only lead to sickness. Maybe you don’t feel great but your doctor says you’re healthy? Maybe you’re just not sick enough to be diagnosed by the new clinical ranges?

005 – Clinical Ranges

Hey guys. Dr. Kelly here. And today we’re going to be talking about those Clinical Reference ranges. Does the range actually really matter stay tuned?

Hi, it’s dr. Kelly Shockley with Are You Really Healthy Radio where we exposed the real truths in the realm of health and Empower you with insight and knowledge. So you can take back control of your house and live the highest quality of life for the rest of your life. Now, if you’re new here, make sure you click that subscribe button, and all of the links referenced in this video will be found in the description box.

Alright, let’s get started. Okay. So first thing we have to clear up here is what in the world am I talking about when I say clinical ranges. So what I’m talking about is when you go in and you have blood work done with your physician when you get your lab report back. There are the clinical ranges of what’s considered normal for whatever the value is of the marker that they’re testing say it was blood glucose.

There’s a range that is considered normal or healthy that your marker should hopefully be following in if it’s not falling within that range then it’s considered out of range. And now there’s a problem that the standard of care dictates of like how they’re going to treat this and most of the time that’s true prescription.

So,  What I’d like to talk about is first of all, how are those ranges even? Determined to do you guys actually no? They are the average of the average population. So that makes sense, right? Okay. Well, where are you going with this Kelly? Right? Let me ask you a different question. So would you say that over the last 30 years or so that Americans have gotten healthier or more sick?

I know some people think that we’ve gotten healthier, but a majority of us are in agreement that no by no means whatsoever have Americans gotten healthier. We’ve actually become more sick. There’s more disease. There’s more diabetes. There’s more cancer. There’s more death. I mean, we are considered one of the most advanced in the country in the world for medical Technologies.

Like one of the most advanced medically known yet. We’re range 38 for life it took to expectancy. So probably not doing something right in this country. Just a hunch also these clinical ranges. Who do you think has blood work done? Most frequently healthy people were sick people. Yeah, you’re right sick people.

So the point of this is that those reference ranges. I can’t even talk. Those reference ranges are based off of the average of the average population or insert in here average of a sick population. So when your blood work comes back from your Doc and it’s like who’s sweet everything’s within range.

Does that really mean that you’re healthy? I don’t know that just means to me that you’re the average of you know, sick. I don’t want to be average of sick. Do you guys want to be average of sick? Do you know that there’s actually a different way to look at this with still taking into consideration those reference ranges because those are the standards.

Okay. So the pain a little bit clearer picture of how is this actually impacting you and is there something that you should be concerned about or have a different thought process when it goes into, you know, you getting blood work done. The first example is. Patient who comes to me who has already seen every doc Under the Sun and nobody can figure out what was wrong with them.

They have so many symptoms. They feel like garbage their ear so fatigued they have memory issues. Like it’s really hard to get out of bed every single day. They’re dealing with depression as a result of all of this and their health is good. Just continuing to dwindle down this downward spiral. They are so frustrated because they have had all the tests done and nothing comes back abnormal.

So are they really healthy? I mean are they making all of this up which some of my patients have definitely been told this like? Oh, we can’t find anything wrong with you. So clearly it must be in your head which is completely demeaning and should never be said to anybody whatsoever. So for the person what is the response that I give them?

My personal opinion and based off of what I know in the research. I have done in the clinical experience that I have gained. Maybe it’s not because they’re not sick. But because our ranges have been skewed to more of what’s considered like sick ranges instead of an ideal healthy range. This person is sick.

They’re just not sick enough yet. In order for their doctor to be able to recognize that there is a problem with them. You know, the way that the standard of care works is that the docs hands are essentially tied until a marker comes back outside of range. So if a cholesterol marker comes back and it falls within the normal range for cholesterol that doctor there’s nothing that they can do.

But on the other side of that is the cholesterol marker comes back and it’s way outside of range then they are. Actually, they have to recommend medication that is what the standard of care is and not to get into that conversation will say that for a different day. But the standard of care is what is dictating all of this and has with how health care has changed within the United States is not allowing doctors to do what they’re really like the best at there’s this criteria that they have to follow so for my patient who feels like garbage, And they’re considered normal within the standard of care and based off of our Clinical Reference ranges that we follow nowadays.

It’s not that they’re not sick. They’re just not sick enough. We are not detecting pathology or disease processes were when things are abnormal in a body until they become much more advanced. This is the other problem with this you have to be sicker in order for a diagnosis and then treatment to be rendered anymore based off of those read.

So what about the flip side of this? You know, I have plenty of people that come to me like oh, well, I had all my blood work done. Everything’s normal. I feel great. Well, if you listen to one of my previous episodes, you know that how you feel is not necessarily the best indicator how healthy you are and sure you’re backing It Up by what the gold standard is with blood work.

But again, we’re looking at ranges of a Sikh population. So congratulations, you feel fine and your ranges show that your markers show that you’re with it and the sick range, but does that actually mean you’re healthy? We don’t know. So in my office, I don’t just look at those clinical ranges. I actually look at and a narrower set of ranges that I they’re based off of Science in old data that gives me a better overall predictive value of how are you going down a bad path before it actually gets worse.

We’re catching things before they become more advanced. So let me give you an example of this. The sed rate is a marker for measuring inflammation in the body. Inflammation within the last decade of medicine everybody has agreed as part of the root cause of all diseases. Like if you want to reduce your likelihood of ending up with some sort of a disease or cancer illness we want to keep inflammation levels really low in the body.

That will help it from breaking down. So sed rate 30 years ago. The reference range was like 0280 K and I can’t tell you if those are exactly correct, but just go with me obviously zero would be ideal. We don’t want any inflammation in our body and if you went above 8 if you are outside of that small window, so say you got your blood work back.

Thirty years ago. It was a 15 that would be considered screaming High inflammation that you’ve probably had for a long period of time and treat with it would need to be rendered. Well now because everybody Under the Sun in the u.s. Is walking around incredibly inflamed. The reference range has been skewed from 0 to 30 so not because that’s normal.

That’s just what is common. So that’s become the new Range. Okay. Does that kind of make sense now? So today if you got your blood work back and it was a 15. Based off of today’s reference range you’d be considered totally fine. You’d be considered healthy when you’re not you’re not at all you’re inflamed.

You’re really inflamed compared to the old data and the old criteria. But nowadays you’re not even going to be flagged for anything. And I just told you inflammation is part of the demise of the body. It is part of the root cause where everything breaks down and it advances disease processes. So.  I don’t know about you, but I still do not want to be average of sick.

I want to be average of Ideal healthy. So we’ve got to be able to look at ranges differently and. Rudy of all of our ranges for all the blood markers that exist have been skewed towards this type of average of sick. There’s only a few reference ranges that have improved and it still questionable on is it really improved for our overall benefit or is it improved for the benefit of the business of big Pharma and.

Because guys yes, ultimately that is a business too. So that would be like your cholesterol ranges or how they keep decreasing blood pressure. Is it truly to benefit and get on top of something beforehand? And for the good of the patient, which is what we want all hope for or is it also helping to fill the big Pharma part Pockets?

I don’t know you tell me what you think. That’s definitely another topic that we can discuss down the road. It will be coming up this today was actually very short, but I just really wanted to get that information out there on clinical ranges and how they’re determined and how. Just because you’re falling within range doesn’t mean that everything is necessarily.

Okay, and maybe we want to look at them from a different perspective, which is something that I do with all my patients if you’re already an existing patient and you’ve recently had blood work done. We have a small fee for implementing it and running it through our system and crunching the numbers based off of our ranges to really see.

Is there anything beneath the surface that’s Brewing because the earlier you detect a problem the easier it is to resolve that problem. So instead of waiting for the whole forest fire to occur and try to take care of it. Then why don’t we take care of it when you’re first starting to see smoke?

Okay, so that’s kind of the thought process. I appreciate you guys for being here today was super short if you really are enjoying this content. Please leave feedback on iTunes. Feel free to share with any of your friends. This is what I am trying to do. I am going beyond the reach of my office. I want to help as many people as possible get well through natural means and really restore Health which ultimately helps you have a higher quality of life, which if we’re going to be here you should be enjoying it and you know, you’re working hard for a retirement.

Why not be able to enjoy the retirement instead of what so many people end up doing is they work hard their whole entire lives they get to remember retirement. And now they’re quality of health is down the tubes and they’re spending everything that they worked so hard for to try to keep them alive and to try to make their health be better.

If you invest in your health right now. It’s like you’re trying to invest for your retirement. It’s going to be a much better Journey overall a much happier picture overall. So take your initiative and do that today. You actually have the capability and the power to change what trajectory you’re on you’re not destined to just thought I’m old.

So this is just how it’s going to be or everybody I know has this so it’s considered normal. No, it’s no symptom is ever normal and you’ve heard me say this before it’s always a warning signal from your body and sometimes you feel fine, but really is waiting until a symptom. Shows up. Is that a good idea?

Sometimes it’s too late for people. I have a patient again who had no symptoms. Until about a month out where he started having difficulty swallowing. He finally went into the doctor at the two month Mark of this not improving and was diagnosed with stage four cancer that had metastasized not only from his esophagus but into his lymph nodes and his liver and they had a very Grim prognosis for him.

You guys have heard these stories, you know these people and what I’m telling is you don’t have to have that happen. So know your facts get your lab work reviewed by me or if you haven’t had lab work done. You do not have to be a patient here. You do not have to live locally in Colorado. I have patients all over the US that I am doing this with it’s very easy.

And thank you technology as much as I also hate technology, but. We can have a conversation just like this where it’s like you’re in my office and we can crunch the numbers and go through what your results are actually showing before anything shows up down the road or if something already has been diagnosed get a different perspective a different opinion because if we can get you healthy enough, does it matter the name of the disease?

And I think so. So reach out to me. If you’d like my help again, if you know somebody who could benefit from this information that I’m sharing, please share this radio show with them. I would love your help in spreading the word that is ultimately what my goal is to get this information out there because people just really don’t know to know any better.

So that is my goal. That is my mission. I just want to help as many people as I can. I appreciate you for jumping on that bandwagon with me. And if you’ve got feedback always feel free to give us a shout contact the office if you want my help personally I am here for you. So reach out and I look forward to hearing from you guys soon.

Stay tuned for another episode and here’s to being healthy.

Hey gang. Thank you so much for staying tuned with another episode of are you really healthy? I had something I wanted to share. It’s you something special for my listeners that I wanted to give you the advantage of taking me up on I have created this simple little test that can help us measure optimize and track your brain health.

Now, who is this a good fit for? Well, I don’t know. Are you suffering from anxiety stress? Brain fog maybe you’re not sleeping very soundly through the night or maybe you sleep like a brick but you wake up feeling just exhausted despite how many hours of sleep you are getting or maybe you’re the person who is just noticing your short-term memory isn’t as good as what you’d like it to be you’re having a hard time focusing and concentrating and being able to stick to task.

If this sounds like anything you’re dealing with that you would like to get rid of or get more to a root underlying understanding of why this is happening. Then just head on over to https://areyoureallyhealthy.com/brainspan and I’ll see you there we can get to those answers soon guys. So thanks again.

I’ve greatly appreciate you being here. Stay tuned for more with are you really healthy?

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