Heavy metal toxicity is a major health concern, and it can lead to some serious health problems. Heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead are all toxic to the body in high doses. Heavy metal toxicity can affect your brain function and cognitive abilities, as well as disrupt the balance of essential minerals in your body. In this blog post we will discuss 3 heavy metal-related health problems that you should be aware of!

1) Brain Health Problems – When the body is struggling to keep up with removing heavy metals from your body, it can start to accumulate in your brain. Heavy metals are thought to play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as other neurological disorders.

Heavy metal toxicity is also known to contribute towards ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety and depression symptoms – all of which have been on the rise over recent years!

2) Disrupted Minerals – As a result of trying to remove these heavy metals, your body ends up taking out other essential minerals that are needed for a healthy body. Heavy metals can cause deficiencies in copper, zinc and iron – all of which are necessary to maintain your immune system and blood pressure regulation.

Heavy metal toxicity is also known to contribute towards digestive issues such as constipation, heartburn or ulcers!

3) Cognitive Deficits – All of this combined can lead to problems such as memory and concentration issues. Heavy metal toxicity is also known to contribute towards other neurological symptoms like brain fog, lack of focus and concentration, memory issues and more.

If you have been struggling with any of these symptoms and have never been tested for heavy metals, you really should. Heavy metals are very difficult to get rid of and need to be done under a doctor’s supervision, so please don’t just start a heavy metal protocol on your own.

There is a method to helping the body remove these metals safely and effectively. Any other approach can be very invasive and end up causing other health challenges.

If you’d like to know more about the safe and effective way for removing heavy metals from your body, comment “I DO” down below.

#HeavyMetals #TotalBodyMastery