Do you ever catch yourself holding your breath for no apparent reason?

We all breathe all day every day, but did you know that HOW you breathe can impact your overall feelings of well-being?

There are numerous proven benefits to taking a few moments daily for mindful, deep breathing.

When we’re feeling stressed or are dealing with anxiety and are focused at work, we spend most of our time “shallow breathing”. This process provides oxygen you need to survive, but it can also increase your feelings of stress and anxiety, only impacting your productivity and overall outlook on life.

Full breaths, also commonly referred to as “belly breathing” allows your lungs to completely fill with air. One of the biggest benefits to belly breathing, it helps to normalize your blood pressure and slow your heart rate. Everyone can benefit from this. Heart disease is the #1 killer in the US.

Here’s my challenge to you today:

Take a couple of minutes every hour (set a timer to go off every hour to help you make this happen) to push away from your work, close your eyes and just focus on belly breathing.

You might find it’s difficult to even breathe that way initially. Don’t get frustrated, just keep practicing. You’ll eventually feel much more coordinated with this type of breathing and will ultimately feel more relaxed, more energized and more capable of handling each day’s set of tasks.

Do this for a solid week and report back to me what you noticed. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Here’s to being Healthy!

#AreYouReallyHealthy #WellnessWednesday