Sound familiar? I hear this from my patients all of the time and I totally hear you.

Here’s the thing though, with food being one of the MOST important variables when it comes to you health, you really need to figure how to bring more healthy food into you and your family’s lives.

I’ve watched patients go from extremely poor levels of health with diagnoses that include cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name a few, to optimal health again.

And guess what, FOOD was one of the biggest reasons why!

The average American eats more than 150 lbs of sugar, 16 lbs of food additives and nearly 60% of foods consumed are from ultra-processed food options!!

Every bite of food you eat is either helping you be healthier or is slowly decreasing it.

I know, eating healthy takes time and some of you don’t even enjoy cooking. I totally get it!

But with American’s health continuing to decrease and kids being diagnosed with “adult” age chronic diseases, how can you afford not to choose healthy foods?

Here are some suggestions for making this work for you regardless of what’s keeping you from eating healthy majority of the time.

  • Use Instacart or a similar service to do your shopping for you. This has been my personal solution to “buy back time” in my life. I really enjoy cooking, but with everything that’s on my plate, I needed to find a way to create more time in my life. Hiring someone to do my shopping for me has bought me a few hours each week, which I can use for cooking healthy and even more adventures with my son! (For those of you worried about your produce, just give instructions on what you’re looking for. It’s worked for me every time!)
  • Choose a healthy meal service. There are countless options anymore to fit any budget. You can use this option to add in more healthy meals or use them solely. There are options where all you have to do is heat your food back up and there are options that just require you to do the cooking. These are more affordable than you think if you take your time into consideration.
  • Hire a personal chef. Believe it or not, this is not just for the wealthy. You can find local chefs that will do all of your grocery shopping and cooking for the week in a matter of a few hours. Easy peasy! I’ve had several patients use this method and have LOVED every moment!

Which method do you think you’d like to try or what other solution has worked for you? Comment below so we all can continue to own our time while building up our health!

#HealthyEating #HealthyBossMama #TotalBodyMastery