Just who is Dr. Kelly when she’s not wearing her doc hat?

If you’ve been here for a little bit, you know that I’m a doctor of cause, a doctor of chiropractic, but believe it or not I am much more than that!!

Here are 5 things you probably didn’t know about me:

  1. I pick up accents easily so don’t take offense if we’re talking and I begin to speak like you. It happens without me even being aware of it. A few have become permanent parts of my everyday speech – Canadian and Irish. All the locals ask where I’m from and never believe me when I say I’m a Colorado native. Haha!
  2. I trained and attempted a 100-mile trail running race back in 2017. I only had 36 hours to complete the mileage, but I didn’t finish due to poor planning. I might just have to attempt another one, one day.
  3. My first name is actually my mom’s maiden name. She has 2 sisters so there were no boys to pass on my Papa’s last name so that’s why they named me Kelly.
  4. I grew up in a roller skating rink (Skate City on Arapahoe Road). My parent’s owned and operated it until I was 16 years old. Needless to say, I could roller skate better than I could walk at the age of 1.5 years old.
  5. I’ve had several concussions but none that have ever put me in a hospital. The last one affected my memory and speech. When I’m overtired, you might notice me mixing up my words as a result. I call it “dyslipsia”.

Okay, that’s enough random about me. I want to hear 5 facts about YOU!!

Here’s to getting to know you!

#RandomFacts #HealthyBossMama #TotalBodyMastery