This isn’t something I would normally post, but I’m feeling generous.

I am going to share with you the most mortifying thing that has ever happened to me.

But there is a catch.

You have to share your most embarrassing story with me too (I can’t be the only one putting myself out there and making a fool of myself!)

Ok, here is what happened…

It was a warm summer day in Colorado…

I had just finished unloading all the baby goodies I had just purchased for my ever growing Hunter into the 4Runner.

Hunter was snug in his car seat in the 4Runner too.

I sat the diaper bag on the floor board beneath Hunter’s feet and turned to push the cart back to the cart return station.

As I was walking away from the 4Runner, I heard the sound of a car door shutting.

My heart sank. Was that my door?

I turned around to see my door completely shut. I ran back to my 4Runner in hopes my door was unlocked still.

It wasn’t.

I had locked my baby in the 4Runner on a warm summer day!

I began to panic. Hunter started to cry.

I ran back into the store and had them call the cops for me.

The gal asked if I knew their number (OMG). I told her to call 911, obviously!

I ran back out to my 4Runner to check on my baby. He was sobbing.

I remember trying to comfort him from outside the window while waiting for the firemen to arrive.

It felt like an eternity had gone by once they finally arrived.

Before I knew it, the door was open and my baby was in my arms.

I was relieved and felt like such an idiot all at the same time.

What loving mom locks her baby in the car?

The firemen couldn’t have been nicer and reassured me everything was fine and that I wasn’t the first mom to have ever had this happen.

I can tell you, since that day, I always make sure my keys are on me when I’m walking away from my ride.

I can almost feel my heart pounding just typing that as I mentally relive it.

Okay, now it is time for you to keep up your end of the bargain!

I need to hear an embarrassing or mortifying story you have tucked away, waiting for the perfect time to share.

Now is that time. Oh, and if you know someone that has an extra embarrassing story, tag them so they can share theirs too!

#EmbarrassingMoments #TotalBodyMastery