Sometimes I pretend to be working so I don’t have to help with cleaning the house!
Okay, okay…that’s not entirely true (but maybe pretty close).
As a full-time single mom, there is no one else to do those chores for me and they’re surely not going to get done on their own.
There are just those tasks that I could definitely do without!
For me, it’s dusting, picking up after the pup in the yard and doing the dishes!
Dusting is a never-ending job. I feel like just as I get everything cleaned up, it’s dusty again.
Does anyone really enjoy picking up after your dog?
I don’t technically mind doing the dishes, but my hands sure take a beating with how much cooking I do all at once to prep for the week!
I am always looking for ways to make these tasks a little more manageable, and dare I say, ENJOYABLE?!
Do you have any tips or tricks for me? If so, please share them below!
I would love to not have a reason to dive for my computer every time I know the house needs cleaning.
Thank you!