Did you know we have a day to promote honesty? I didn’t either. LOL.

In the spirit of being honest, I thought I’d let you in on a little secret of mine.

I can’t lie.

Like, literally, it’s impossible for me to pull it off.

I remember when my brother and I were kids and he’d always try to guess what his Christmas gifts were.

If he looked me in the eyes and asked, I couldn’t keep a straight face for the life of me.

He’d always figure it out without any issues whatsoever.

I finally figured out if I wanted to pull the wool over his eyes and not give away the secret, I had to smile and laugh about every option he asked for.

To this day, I am the same.

My brother, on the other hand, has one of the best poker faces I know!

Let’s play a little game of 2 truths and a lie.

I will tell you 3 things about myself (two being true, one being a lie) and you have to guess which is the lie!

Then I want you to put your two truths and a lie in separate comment so I can guess yours. It is such an entertaining way to learn new things about each

Here goes! (Good thing you can’t see my face right now!)

  1. I’m launching my very first YouTube channel sharing all my secrets for taking back control of your health.
  2. I am gearing up to attempt another 100 mile race!
  3. I have not seen my boyfriend in over 14 months.

Now it is your turn! Tell me 3 things about yourself (two truths, one lie) and I will guess yours!

#HonestyDay #TotalBodyMastery