Do you ever hit that point where you feel like you have too much going on in EVERY area of life?!

I’m pretty sure it happens to me about every quarter and I just decided it is time to SIMPLIFY!

It’s time to reduce the insanity going on in my schedule, clear out the clutter both in my mind and in my dwelling, and just do a purging in all aspects.

Something’s gotta give!

I’ve reached that point right now. Days beginning by 4am at the latest and not ending until 10pm with every moment spoken for is something I can typically handle without much issue.

We’ve recently just moved our clinic over the weekend of the 4th of July. It was the first time in 16 years we moved!! What a HUGE undertaking!

By the end of last week, it was time to record my next 20 videos for my YouTube channel. I was at the clinic recording for 8.5 hours!

The next morning it was time to do my monthly photo shoot. This time, my mom joined so I captured some updated headshots of her. So much FUN!

That evening, we were off to the foothills to witness one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve seen to date!

Then Sunday hit… time to squeeze in all the domestic stuff – laundry, grocery shopping (thanks Instacart shoppers), prepping food for the week, etc.

AND, my son had a golf match with the PGA Jr. league later in the day on the other side of town.

I woke up this morning pretty wiped out. The move was what pushed me past my limit.

The good news is, that is all in the past and we have a VACATION finally happening next week!

Time to recharge, regroup and SIMPLIFY life again!

So whether it is your home, your routine or your mind, if you are feeling overwhelmed with life it might be time to jump on the SIMPLICITY
TRAIN! Who’s with me!?

#SimplifyLife #TotalBodyMastery