Can I get real with you for a minute?

Sometimes life can be exhausting.

And that is just the reality of it all. BUT, I have found a few things that lift my spirits, uplift my soul and help me recharge.

I have found that the easiest and quickest way to snap me out of a funk is to go for a hike in the mountains, away from it all.

However, just taking off on my own on a whim is NOT doable most of the time without planning.

So when there’s no time for planning and I need some energy again, I crank on some of our favorite jams that you can’t help but move to.

I can remember getting home on a Friday after doing my first 5 Day Challenge. I was high on excitement and then wiped right out.

I would have loved to have just gone to bed, but my kiddo still needed tending to and the dog still needed his nightly walk.

I put on one of our fave dance mixes and turned up the volume. Before I knew it, we were having our own dance party in the middle of the kitchen laughing like crazy.

Suddenly, I didn’t feel so drained anymore and had an enjoyable rest of the evening with my crew.

It is always mind blowing to me how quickly my mood can change when I make a few tweaks!

What have you found is the easiest way to snap out of a funk?

Save this post for later so you have it for when you’re feeling like they need to be buoyed up.

Here’s to dancing your way back to feeling charged!

#Dance #Music #HealthyBossMama #TotalBodyMastery