Imagine you are sitting in your favorite place, by an open window with your eyes shut as you take big, deep breaths in. What do you smell??

For me it’s the smell of freshly fallen rain in the forest along with a hint of wood smoke in the air.

I swear if someone could accurately bottle up that scent I would single-handedly keep them in business.

Every time I get a whiff of freshly fallen rain with a hint of wood smoke, it transports me back to countless adventures in the mountains.

Many of these adventures included hiking in the backcountry, exploring new territories each time I was out.

However, one of my fondest memories these smells bring to mind, is one of my trips up to O’Canada with my boyfriend.

We love hiking through the woods alongside one of the numerous lakes.

The fresh air off of the lake is AMAZING! Another scent I’d love to bottle up.

We always take the beach route back to the Jeep. This particular adventure included my very first beach-side fire with a gentle sprinkle falling from the sky.

Honestly, there are some things in life words cannot describe. This would be one of them.

I think it’s so fascinating how different smells take us back to different times in our lives and how powerful our senses are.

Really, isn’t it wild to think about how uniquely our bodies are wired to connect our brain to our senses and then how they’re connected to our memories?

So, tell me your favorite smell! And if it takes you back to a special time in your life, tell me about that too!

#FreshSmell #TotalBodyMastery