The COVID injections are not vaccines.

According to the CDC, “Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. But they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick. Some vaccines contain only a part of the disease germ.”

What they call a COVID vaccine is not a vaccine. It does not contain the same “germs” that cause disease.

The shot is mRNA genetically designed to stimulate your cells to make proteins. These proteins are attacked by antibodies that are claimed to protect against COVID.

Essentially, it stimulates an autoimmune response so your body attacks the protein.

What could go wrong?

  1. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use.
  2. Efficacy data is very short term.
  3. No long term side effects or safety has been established.
  4. Long term efficacy (or lack thereof) is unknown. Viruses and its proteins mutate quickly. Think flu shot every year.
  5. mRNA is coated in PEG nanoparticles. PEG is known to induce allergies and autoimmune disease.
  6. Other ingredients both disclosed and undisclosed.

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