Brain fog is a major annoyance for anyone who experiences it.

It can be caused by many different things, from chronic stress to food sensitivities. Brain fog makes it difficult to focus and think clearly.

This post will discuss 3 potential causes of brain fog and how you might be able to treat them!

The first potential cause is chronic stress. Stress increases inflammation in your whole body, including your brain. Brain fog is a common symptom of chronic inflammation.

Making sure you take time for yourself to decompress from each day could be very beneficial in helping you have a more clear mind.

The second potential cause is food sensitivities or allergies. The most common foods that are known to trigger brain fog are gluten and dairy products, but it could be any type of food if you have an intolerance or allergy to it.

If you’re up for it, cut these foods out for a couple of weeks and see if your mental clarity improves. If it does, your brain doesn’t jive with these foods.

The third potential cause of brain fog can be sugar. Sugar is the best producer of inflammation and your brain is highly sensitive to it.

Honestly, no one should be eating sugar in any measurable form. Yes, it’s hard to cut out, but your health really depends on it. Cut back any way you can and see how much better your mental clarity becomes.

These are great starting places for improving brain fog, however, the only way to know for sure is to get to the root cause.

If you’re struggling with brain fog and would like to get to the bottom of what’s causing it, simply comment “yes” down below.

#BrainFog #TotalBodyMastery