A hairless head can be an emotional experience, and for some people it is the source of everyday anxiety. Luckily there are many things you can do to improve your hair situation. In this post, I will discuss 4 nutrients that are important for healthy hair!

The first hair loss nutrient is protein. Protein plays an important role in hair growth by strengthening hair and forming its structure, along with a whole host of other things like the production of collagen for skin health.

A lack of protein can cause an increase in hair shedding due to breakage from dryness or excessive combing that damages hair. Protein deficiency can also cause hair loss from the hair follicles shrinking.

The next nutrient for healthy hair is vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Vitamin B12 provides energy to all cells in our bodies and this includes hair follicle cells—a lack of it will lead to hair loss and can also cause hair shedding.

Iron is also important to hair health because it helps form hemoglobin which carries oxygen throughout our bodies (including hair follicles). If you have an iron deficiency your hair might start to thin out or break off easily from insufficient oxygen.

The last nutrient associated with hair loss is sulfur. Sulfur is essential for hair growth and it’s deficiency can lead to hair shedding. If you have a sulfur deficiency, your hair might feel brittle or thin with an abnormal texture.

These deficiencies are just one potential cause of hair loss. To fully put a stop to the handfuls of hair you’re losing each day, you need to determine the underlying CAUSE.

Treat the cause and the symptom of hair loss will vanish completely!

Here’s to keeping your locks!

#HairLoss #TotalBodyMastery