Are you one of my die hard coffee fans? Would life end if you had to go without it? Here are some things to consider as you sip on your favorite coffee…

There is still great debate around the consumption of coffee. You can find research that supports either side of your belief. My rule of thumb is simple, MODERATION. 🙂

If you are going to consume coffee, there are some definite thoughts you should keep in mind though to make sure you aren’t doing harm to your health.

  1. Skip the fancy coffee concoctions. Those drinks are LOADED with sugars and other ingredients that will stress your body right out and increase levels of inflammation. Remember, inflammation is like adding fuel to any fire that might be brewing in your body. It’ll amplify it immensely.
  2. Go for ORGANIC. There more you can decrease your exposure to chemicals and foreign substances, the better. These chemicals and foreign substances are not welcome in your body and are recognized as a threat to your immune system. You can be completely unaware of your immune system fighting a fight because symptoms vary depending on where the fight occurs. You could have gut symptoms just as easily as brain fog or joint pain just for a couple of examples.
  3. The “they’s” of research suggest that no more than 2-8oz cups of coffee’s worth of caffeine should be consumed. How much is that? 188mg of caffeine total is the MOST you should have in a day. If you’re consuming more, now you’re running the risk of harming your health in a multitude of ways. Another aspect to be aware of, are you consuming other caffeine-containing products? Caffeine is so readily available anymore making it VERY easy to be consuming WAY more than you should.
  4. Be aware of these other stimulating ingredients. Consuming too many of these guys all at the same time may increase blood pressure, stress your heart, amplify anxiety, increase irritability and more!

* Guarana – this seed contains twice as much caffeine as your coffee bean does. It’s one of the most common ingredients found in “natural” energy drinks and numerous weight loss products.

* Gingko & Ginseng – two of the most stimulating herbs you can find. Both offer many health benefits. Asian Ginseng is more effective than American ginseng. These are herbs and people can respond differently too them. Taken on their own, they could be enough to energize you and keep you going all day. Taken in conjunction with caffeine could be too much.

The biggest take away here is knowing what you’re consuming and how you’re reacting.

STAY AWAY from energy drinks period. There is nothing good that comes from putting those substances in your system. If you have a product you consume and are curious about my thoughts, comment below and let’s see what it is. I’m always happy to help you guys out!

Here’s to being Healthy!
#AreYouReallyHealthy #HealthTipTuesday

PS:  If you want a safe alternative to drinking coffee head on over to our online store at and check out Ignite.  This all-in-one drink will help boost your energy, replace electrolytes and protect the body.