Have you ever noticed there are endless quotes about smiling?

It’s probably because people prefer to see a happy face!

My favorite is, “Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn.”

The first time I heard this quote was way back when I was in high school.

My mom had this book of quotes all about attitude that sat on our kitchen window sill.

Every morning, we would read a new quote for the day and discuss what it meant.

This one has stuck with me ever since and is one I’ve shared with my son, friends and all over social media.

To me, I know that even on the worst of days, a smile helps you make it through with more grace and eases whatever pain there may be.

It goes hand in hand with the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine,” which I also love!

So now I want to know… What’s the last thing that put a smile on your face?! Tell me down below.

#NationalSmileDay #TotalBodyMastery