I remember the very first cell phone I ever got.

I was 16 years old and thought I was pretty cool.

It was a Motorola flip phone that was ONLY to be used for checking in with my folks or for an emergency.

I used to drive to the opposite side of town for softball practice several times per week.

When I arrived, I’d call my parents to let them know I made it and then again before heading home.

The funny thing about it all though, I really didn’t like being on the phone.

I was the oddball compared to my friends.

I never wanted to have a phone in my room or have my own line so while I thought I was cool because I had a cell phone, I still could have cared less to be on it.

You know something, that hasn’t changed even with all the advances in technology.

I’m grateful to have the ability to be in contact with my loved ones who don’t live close, but being on the phone for me is not thrilling.

For me, I have a love/hate relationship with technology.

In certain areas of my life, it helps me simplify and has opened up a bigger world of possibilities.

I use it all the time in my both my personal and professional life.

I honestly don’t even know how I would function in today’s world without technology at this point!

However, there’s a part of me who would love to just disappear to a simpler way of life away from all of the notifications and never-ending projects and to-do’s.

Anyone else ever feel that way?

I think we can all agree that technology is only going to become more intertwined in our lives, so I’m curious where you fall!

Do you think technology simplifies life or complicates it? There is no wrong answer!

#Technology #TotalBodyMastery