Do you ever feel like eating healthy is just too time consuming? Believe me, I get it.

Or maybe you’re one of my friends who just doesn’t enjoy cooking? You’re not alone, I hear this from people often.

I have even known people who just don’t even feel like they know how to cook, which could make healthy eating a daunting task.

Maybe you feel like eating organic and healthy foods costs so much more, especially when you have to provide food for several hungry mouths. I can appreciate this thought process as well.

Here’s the thing though, what you eat and drink is one of the most CRITICAL decisions you make every day, multiple times per day.

What you’re choosing to put into your mouth is either building your health up or slowing tearing it down.

Eventually, your body will begin to give you signs that it’s not working the way it should any longer.

You will seek out help and often end up with a solution that purely manages those symptoms instead of restoring your health by addressing and eliminating the cause of your symptoms.

If this continues, you WILL eventually end up with a named disease. You could easily chalk this up to “getting older”, but that doesn’t have to be your reality.

A trick I’ve used to switch up my mindset around food is this… I ask myself a simple question, “is this food going to build my health up or tear it down?”

Whatever my answer is to that question, dictates if I’ll eat the food or not.

If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick in tired, you could phrase the question this way, “will this energize me or drain me?”

Or maybe your memory is not as sharp as it used to be and focus is lacking. This could be your question, “will this be feeding my brain or killing it?”

I know that might seem dramatic, but ultimately it’s true.

You are what you eat and investing the time and money into eating healthy will be one of the smartest investments you’ll ever make.

So tell me, what’s your challenge when it comes to eating healthy? Comment below and let’s find a solution!

#HealthyEating #HealthyBossMama #TotalBodyMastery