The world of technology has helped enable entrepreneurs to easily have conversations with clients and customers miles away from their location. Screen time has also sky-rocketed. It’s become more and more easy to never leave your desk and your health is in jeopardy as a result.

We know sitting and even standing in one position all day long is worse for your health than smoking is so what’s a simple way to change this devastating reality?

Walk while you talk. Thanks to technology, it’s never been easier to communicate with your customer anywhere so long as you have service. Take advantage of this capability and choose to be up moving around anytime you spend time on the phone.

Our bodies are meant to be dynamic – we’re meant to move! There are several tasks that simply cannot be performed at optimal levels if you stay still for long periods of time. Walking allows for these functions to optimize again all while you’re taking care of business.

It’s been well-known that healthier people have a tendency to take a minimum of 10,000 steps per day. Who doesn’t have a smartwatch or a tracking device nowadays? Have you ever checked in to see how many steps you’re taking on an average workday? Where do you rank? Above or below the average healthy human?

My challenge to you if you’re not doing it already, hit 10,000 steps daily and see how it improves your world. If you’re already achieving this, I’d still recommend walking while you’re talking to help increase productivity, energy, mental clarity, and focus. Movement, it does your body so much good!

What creative ways can you add more steps into your day? Comment below, please.

Here’s to being Healthy!
#AreYouReallyHealthy #WellnessWednesday