Let’s talk about PERMANENT AGES! Not your age right now but where you FEEL like you are.

Because we all know they can be two very different things, am I right?!

If you know you know because how I feel and what my true age actually is can vary dramatically depending on the day.

Because I am 42 but I still feel like I am in my 20s most days… but then there are days that my body feels
like its in its 80s.

Of course, that generally results from me going out and giving it a good beating with the different trails I hike on a whim.

Life has changed dramatically compared to my prime ultrarunning days of 2016 and 2017, so I’m definitely not in the same shape as I was then…

Though, mentally I still think I am.

Feeling like I’m still in my 20s most days results from TWO things:

First, 95% of the time, I eat very clean and healthy. Food has mostly become viewed as just fuel to me. Occasionally, I enjoy a guilty pleasure, but most days I choose foods that are best suited for optimal health and limitless levels of energy!

And second, I never stop moving. We are dynamic beings and our bodies require motion in order to not only survive, but to thrive!

Years ago now, research showed that sitting all day at a desk or just sitting all day in general is actually WORSE for you and leads to more health problems than smoking!! That’s insane, don’t you think?

Here’s the thing though about age… I don’t think it really predicts how we should feel. I believe how we choose to live day in and day out is the bigger predictor on how we will feel.

People come to me all of the time with various health challenges and ALWAYS say it’s partly the result of getting older.

From where I sit, I don’t believe that to be true. Our bodies are resilient and have an amazing ability to heal.

The key is understanding what is CAUSING you to no longer feel youthful and vivacious.

If you know the CAUSE, you can change the trajectory of your health FOREVER!

So tell me! How old do you feel most days and how much does that vary from your real age?

#Ageless #TotalBodyMastery